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Hi Sébastien, I just received feedback from the validator:
Excellent translation of the Ebook. Please only change ‘XXX’ by ‘YYY’ (appearing several time in the doc).
That’s great
Thank you very much for all your work on this – so rare to get good feedback like this (without asking for it)!
Task: Translation EN>FR, IT security fieldStephanie, F, London, UK, 2017 28/04/2017
Hi Sebastien, Thanks for the review, it’s extremely thorough and I don’t have any questions.
Task: Translation candidate testingSue, TD, Surrey, UK, 2017 20/02/2017
Dear Sebastien, I just wanted to share good news. Candidate XXX as you predicted was a pass with high colors. Once more you were correct and I really appreciate your time and effort. I have mentioned to my line manager how great job you do and how professional you are. Have a wonderful day.
Task: Translation candidate testingDavit, T, New York, 2016 17/08/2016
I thought I would drop you an email to let you know that we have sent your French test to the client so let’s hope we win the business. I just wanted to also let you know our internal review showed that your test translation was extremely good and all your comments were very pertinent; we have passed them on to client. Thanks for your efforts, it is obvious that you put a considerable amount of time and work into the material.
Task: IT translation FR (test)Sue, TD, Surrey, UK, 2014 17/08/2016
This is just a quick update to let you know we've now heard back from the client regarding Phase 1 of the XXX project, which you've translated a couple of weeks ago now. They're very happy with the delivered copy, so I just wanted to thank you again for your great quality work on this
Task: Website translation FRAurélie, T, London, UK, 2014 17/08/2016
[...]I really appreciated your reliability and attention to detail when we were working on these updates, and I'll keep you in mind for future jobs and recommend you to my PM colleagues.
Task: Proofreading EN>FR, IT fieldAlison, C, Greater Manchester, UK, 2013 17/08/2016
[...]Thank you so much Sébastien, particularly for your reactivity! I mentioned your comments below to the client but I can imagine he'll be happy with your solution. Have a great weekend and thanks again.
Task: Translation EN>FR, IT field
Paul, T, Leeds, UK, 2013 17/08/2016
[...]Thank you again and it is a pleasure to be working with you!
Task: Translation EN>FR, IT fieldMariah, E, San Francisco, USA, 2013 19/08/2016
[...]Good to know this, you're always our first choice in fr-fr projects.
Task: Translation and Proofreading EN>FR, IT fieldYao, B, Beijing, China, 2013 19/08/2016
[...]Thanks Sébastien for speedy delivery! Have a nice evening!
Task: Translation EN>FR, IT fieldHannah, T, Leeds, UK, 2013 19/08/2016
Thank you so much for the fast turnaround - amazing! Also thank you for catching the error in our glossary. We will correct it right away. We appreciate your generous support of Kiva. Your work will help us sign on more Field Partners in Francophone Africa.
Task: Translation EN>FR, Humanitarian fieldJomay, Kiva, San Francisco, USA, 2013 (through Translators without borders) 19/08/2016
I have reviewed the documents and they are fine. Thank you so much for your assistance and service with these documents.[...]
Task: Translation and Proofreading EN>PL, Project Management, Contract fieldGaynor, S, Shrewsbury, UK, 2013 19/08/2016
Thanks Sébastien, for good service.[...]
Do you do other languages also, as Arabic, Russian and Bulgarian?* I know you provide Polish.
Task: Translation and Proofreading FR>EN, Project Management, Insurance field
*Answer: yes I can!
Karin, S, Manchester, UK, 2013 19/08/2016
Nice work Sébastien, thank you so much! All looks great and [...]. Thanks so much again for your fast work.
Task: Translation EN>FR, Technical fieldMatt, E, Milan, Italy, 2013 19/08/2016
Thank you very much for your great support for this project. It's a pleasure working with you!
Task: Linguistic testing FR, IT/Publishing fieldLiu, B, Beijing, China, 2012 19/08/2016
[...] Thanks again, this collaboration was a pleasure!
Task: Marketing, advertising fieldLisa, O, Barcelona, Spain, 2012 19/08/2016
Thanks a lot for confirming! Yes of course [...] and moreover I had a good feedback on your translation
Task: Translation EN>FR, IT fieldLucia, A, Greater Manchester, UK, 2012 19/08/2016
[...]All of us in our department would like to cooperate with you in any French-involved project.
Task: Translation and proofreading EN>FR, Project Management, IT fieldYao, B, Beijing, China, 2012 19/08/2016
You are my new hero!
Task: Transcreation/advertising FR (rush request)Typhaine, T, London, UK, 2012 19/08/2016
[...] Thank you and we really appreciate that Smiley. We will definitely use your company again.
Task: Translation and Proofreading FR>EN, Project Management, Contract fieldElaine, T, Dublin, Ireland, 2011 19/08/2016
[...] Thank you so much for your help and input. Have a great weekend!
Task: transcreation/advertising FRYuliya, T, London, UK, 2011 19/08/2016
[...] Thank you for your work, processed in quite a short period of time.
Task: Marketing, advertising fieldSabrina, H, London, UK, 2011 19/08/2016
Thanks so much for all your work and as you've seen the sporadic "staying in touch" continues [...] We received confirmation that our cycles imported perfectly [...] that feels good!
Task: Linguistic QA, review, FRAngelika, V, Dublin, 2011 19/08/2016
[...] Thanks a lot for your patience, and also for your help, availability and general awesomeness!
Task: Transcreation/advertising FRTyphaine, T, London, Ireland, 2011 19/08/2016
[...] I am delighted that the training you provided went as well for you as for the participants and it's with pleasure that we'll work on common projects in 2012.
Task: cultural training in French on the theme: "living and working in Ireland"Aude, T, Paris, France, 2011 19/08/2016
[...] Thanks a million for your email below with the translated document attached, it is much appreciated and also thanks for the fast response. We will keep you in mind again in the future if we ever need anything translated.
Task: translation DE>EN, project management, Accounting fieldJoe, R, Mullingar, Ireland, 2011 19/08/2016